by Jennely Pershouse
A golden leaf from the history of cannabis use can be plucked from the 1960s that paved the way to Woodstock, a music concert held over three days from the 15th to the 18th August 1969. It was more the showing of a revolution coined with the hippie mantra "Make love, not war". The heroes of this free-thinking revolution were young military-aged men who refused to serve in the Vietnam war. They were the enlightened ones, never mentioned beyond their defiance. Hippies in their flower power state of mind fuelled by cannabis and psychedelic drugs like LSD made a global statement on sustainable lifestyles grounded on the principals of "live and let live, go with the flow, be one with nature," and many more that gave reason to go against the Military-Industrial Complex. This revolution like all others came to an end, but did it really?
The Hippies were onto Something
Fast forward to 2020, the world is plagued with the Covid-19 pandemic and people with underlying health conditions as well as the elderly are most vulnerable to the virus. Health-conscious people who do not have underlying health conditions like diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, including asthma and pulmonary hypertension, are more likely to recover if infected. Asthma sufferers who contract the virus may develop pneumonia which can be lethal in conjunction with the Covid-19 virus. What has all this got to do with cannabis you may ask? It has to do with sustainable health and the hippies of the 60s were not just on something, they were onto something: sustainable living.
Global Warming?
The subject of global warming is something we have all been subjected to and there is an earnest shift toward eco-friendly living and reducing one's carbon footprint. Here is where non-psychoactive hemp, not marijuana, comes into the picture. People are generally conscious of their state of health and they make a point of trying to stay healthy by exercising and watching their diet. These efforts are mostly short-term endeavours and as a result, are not consistent enough to span the years of life. When we decide to invest in the longevity of our health, we tend to overlook our choice of home.
A Mold Repellent Material
Mold growing in homes is a plague and in many cases, like Covid-19, unseen. Mold exacerbates asthma and leads to further respiratory problems. Using HempLime as a primary building material eliminates the health threat that the mold poses as it repels mold. A home built with HempLime also reduces your carbon footprint as it regulates temperature and serves as a great insulator, thus reducing power consumption. Being naturally porous, ventilation is aided and in addition, HempLime is fire resistant. The cherry on the cake is that HempLime will not weaken or rot with age, on the contrary, it strengthens with age.
Building homes to medicine
It appears that contemporary concerns point to the hippies of the 60s being right about a cannabis lifestyle although they used it for not entirely the right purpose. Prohibition has eased and the cannabis plant is fast becoming a pillar of everyday life; from building homes to creating medicine, it is indeed a wonder plant that deserves its place in our world.
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