by Jennely Pershouse
Escaping to nature
Now and then I will reminisce about my childhood and I recall how my friends and I would dig into the side of ant hills to collect clay. Every time we did this, the damage we caused to the anthill would be partially or fully repaired by the next day and this always fascinated me, but I never gave much thought to how our clay collecting escapade affected that ant colony. I profess to be a nature lover but thinking back to my youth I was a destructive force with little regard for these smaller creatures of this world. Nature has always been my escape and when stuck in my urban dwelling I watch nature documentaries to quiet my soul. Today I see anthills and termite mounds as natural buildings with the most efficient ventilation system that is constantly being altered and renovated to maintain an optimal internal temperature guaranteeing the survival of the colony.
The art of biomimicry
The art of imitating nature is called biomimicry and has become a leading source of inspiration in all spheres of life, from run-on-flat tyres to innovative building structures like the gherkin in London or the spiralling Chicago Tower. Run-on-flat tyres use the hexagonal shaped cells of a bee honeycomb to give support to a flat tyre, allowing the driver to continue driving until it is convenient to repair the puncture. Biomimicry has transformed Japan’s bullet train to minimize noise and wind resistance while increasing speed and reducing energy demand. The new design was taken from the beak of the kingfisher that creates a very small splash when it dives down into the cool blue for its dinner. By using biomimicry, we can design and create from nature to minimize energy usage and harness other benefits nature has to offer. If we build using natures blueprint, we become more efficient in many aspects of the creation.
100% Natural
Hemp Eco Systems (HES) have perfected the art of biomimicry. All materials used to manufacture and build homes using their products are 100% natural. This means that your HempLime home is eco-friendly, biodegradable, easy to maintain, and a natural work of art.
HempLime is a natural building product that has several nature-borne benefits that will sustain the value of a home and reduce the common problem that requires expensive maintenance over the years. A home much like a termite mound requires adequate and effective ventilation, as well as a degree of temperature control, and a HempLime home provides both. In this, a HempLime home offers protection from the elements. It conforms to the changes in seasons and deals with moisture that otherwise promotes fungal growth like mold. Termites are not fond of HempLime, so they stay away and if timber is used in the structure, the HempLime provides the necessary protection without the need to use chemicals as a form of prevention and control.
Be one with nature
The Green New Deal has stirred up a hornet’s nest but so did Al Gore’s documentary on global warming, pollution, and our carbon footprint. Today, these controversial topics remain topics but if one looks at the underbelly of these concerns, we see a shift in consciousness that tells a different story. We find great strides have been taken to preserve our ecology. The green roof initiate in Germany designed to save ecosystems as we human encroach on nature is a fine example of moving in the right direction. We must be a part of nature, we must learn from nature, we must make a difference in the space we inhabit, and most of all, we must always respect nature.